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Birth Trauma Resources
Note that these are not the ONLY resources in the community.
If you are from the Edmonton Area, these are the only practitioners or care providers I have personally worked with, or someone I trust has worked with.
If they are international, then it is at your own discretion.
If you would like to join my resource page, please reach out to connect.
Maternal/Paternal Mental Health Support
Postpartum Support International (PSI) directory for Edmonton and area
Penny Waller Ulme - R. Psych. Mind-Body-Life Wellness
Pine Integrated Health Center - Counselling Psychologist Kristine Aanderson - Perinatal counsellor
Evylin Chudyk - Beautiful Mind Psychology
Ask Therapy for Moms - Jennifer Summerfeldt
Nest Integrative Wellness
Pacific Postpartum Support Society
Texting support from anywhere in Canada - from 11:00 am MST (10:00 am PDT) - 4:00 pm MST (3:00 PDT) -
Postpartum support
Healthy Beginnings Hotline - 780-413-7990
Family Futures (Brand-New Mama & Managing Motherhood)
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta
(complaints and compliments)
Crisis support for immediate prenatal and postpartum
If it is an emergency please dial 911 as soon as possible.
Crisis Support
There is also access through calling 211 for mental health
strategies and support.
24 hour pregnancy crisis line - 1-800-665-0570
Beyond Blue (Australia K10)
Birth Talk
Community Websites, Online Influencers and FB groups
(Perinatal Education, Mental health, Postpartum Resources)
Postpartum progress website
Maternal Mental Health
The Bloom Foundation
The Blue Dot Project
Postpartum Support International
PostpartumDepression .Org
The Tea on Birth Trauma
Online Trauma Group meetings through PSI
Birth Trauma Facbook Support Group (Dancy Perinatal)
Dancy Perinatal Nationwide Support Groups
Inclusion, equity and diversity resource websites
Kihew Awasis Wakamik (Previously known as Indigenous Birth of Alberta)
Northern Birthwork Collective
BIPOC Healing and Wellness Centre
Edmonton Pride Educational support
Edmonton LGBTQIA2S+ Pregnancy and Parenting Community
Transgender support resources - Canada wide
Moss the Doula - Trans and Queer Centered Birth support
Trans Fertility Co
king yaa - queer, trans, gender non-conforming, non-binary, BIPoC Birth Support
Queer and Trans Support Group PSI
Bodywork support
Asha Thomas Yoga and Wellness
Ripple Effect Wellness Center (St. Albert)
Nest Integrative Wellness
Book Recommendations
Birthing Justice: Black Women, Pregnancy, and Childbirth - Julia Oparah Alicia Bonaparte
Making more milk - Diana West and Lisa Marasco
Defining Your Own Success: Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction Surgery - Diana West
This Isn't What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression - Karen R. Kleiman, Valerie Davis Raskin MD
Healing After Birth: Navigating Your Emotions After A Difficult Childbirth - Jennifer Summerfeldt
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